Unicorn Power Solutions Pvt Ltd (2024)

Human Resource Manual

I - Purpose

To explain to all employees their benefits, opportunities and responsibilities while employed by the company.

II - Policy

The Manual includes summaries of key policies, procedures,
benefits, and standards governing employment at Unicorn Power
Solutions Private Ltd. Employees will be asked to read it carefully
and acknowledge it in writing whenever a reference is required.

Welcome to Unicorn Power Solutions Private Ltd. We are a flagship company of the Unicorn Group. UNICORN GROUP is a Facility Solution Provider with domain expertise in Power Generation, Power Backup, Data Center Consultancy, Green Energy Solutions, etc. operated through two different companies, viz. Unicorn Power Solutions Private Limited & Unicorn Uptime Power Private Limited Both the companies are registered as private Limited Companies as per Indian Companies Act, 1956. Unicorn Power Solutions Private Ltd is the authorized Sales and Service Business Partners of few well recognized Multinational Companies like FG WILSON, MTU, DELTA, SOCOMEC, KOHLER etc… and we have a great array of topnotch Corporates, Hospitals, Banks.. in our Clientele across india. I feel our success can be attributed to teamwork, dedication, professionalism and our employees. You are our company’s most valuable asset. If you have any concerns regarding your employment with the company, myself or any other member of Management would be happy to help you.

Shine K.N
Managing Director


This HR Manual is designed to acquaint you with Unicorn Power Solutions Private Limited, hereinafter referred to as either ‘Unicorn Power’ or the ‘Company’, and provide you with information about service conditions, benefits and policies affecting your employment in the Company. It describes many of your responsibilities as an employee and outlines the programmes developed by Unicorn Power.

The information contained in this Manual applies to all cadres of the Company. The contents of this Manual shall neither constitute nor be construed as a promise of employment or as a contract between the Company and any of its employees. The HR Manual is a summary of our policies which are presented here only as a matter of information.

You are responsible for reading, understanding and complying with the provisions of this . HR Manual. Our object is to provide you with a work environment that is conducive to both personal and professional growth.

This HR Manual supersedes all previous employee manuals and circulars that may have been issued from time to time on subjects covered in this HR Manual.

However, since our business and our organization are subject to change, we reserve the right to interpret, change, suspend, cancel or dispute with or without notice all or any part of these changes. Change will be effective on the dates determined by the Company and after those dates all superseded policies will be null. While it is our intention to provide you with advance notice of any changes, if many not always be possible. Therefore, do not consider this to be a fixed contract. Stay in close communication with your supervisor to be sure you are up to date and recognize that changes in policy are management’s prerogative. No individual supervisor or manager has the authority to change policies at any time. If you are uncertain about any policy or procedure, do discuss with your direct supervisor or manager to whom you report to or the HR Manager.

Customers are among our organization’s most valuable assets. Every employee represents Unicorn Power to our customer and the public. The way we do our jobs presents an image of our entire organization. Customers judge all of us by how they are treated with each employee contact. Therefore, one of our first business priorities is to assist any customer or potential customer. Nothing is more important than being courteous, friendly, helpful and prompt in the attention you give to customers.

Our personal contact with the public, our etiquette on the telephone, and the communications we send to customers are reflections not only of ourselves, but also of the professionalism of Unicorn Power. Positive customer relations not only enhance the public’s perception or image of Unicorn Power, but also pay off in greater customer loyalty and increased Sales and Profit. Meanwhile the company owns the customers / clients which the employees brings in while they are on organization’s payroll. Those who breaks it will have to face legal actions.


“Employee” shall mean all persons employed by the Company through an appointment order issued by the competent authority and who have submitted a proper joining report. An “employee” of Unicorn Power Solutions Private Limited is a person who regularly works for the Company on a wage or salary basis. “Employees” include Permanent, Temporary, Part time, Trainees, Casual, Contract and others employed with the Company who are subject to the control and direction of Unicorn Power Solutions Private Limited in the performance of their duties.

1. Permanent
2. Temporary
3. Part time
4. Trainee
5. Casual
6. Contract

We rely upon accuracy of information contained in the employment application and the accuracy of other data presented through the recruitment process and employment. Any misrepresentations, falsifications, or material omissions in any of this information or data may result in exclusion of the individual from further consideration for employment or if the person has been appointed, termination of employment thereof.The name and address provided by the employee in his application for appointment shall be deemed to be correct for purposes of all communications to the concerned employee. 


Unicorn Power believes that working conditions, wages and benefits it offers to its employees are competitive with those offered by other employers in
similar industries. Our experience has shown that if employees deal openly and directly with their seniors, the work environment can be excellent,communications can be clear, and attitudes can be positive. We believe that Unicorn Power amply demonstrates its commitment to employees by responding effectively to employee concerns.

In order to provide equal employment and advancement opportunities to all individuals, employment decisions at Unicorn Power Solutions Private Limited
will be based on merit, qualifications and abilities. The Company does not discriminate in employment opportunities or practices on grounds of race,
colour, religion, sex, or veteran status.All decisions made with respect to recruiting, hiring and promoting for all job classifications will be solely on
the basis of individual qualifications and experience related to the requirement of the position. Likewise, the administration of all other personnel matters
such as compensation, benefits, transfers, education and social/recreation programmes will be free from any illegal discriminatory practices.

The protection of confidential business information and trade secrets is vital to the interests and success of Unicorn Power Solutions Private Limited. Such confidential information includes, but is not limited to, the following examples.

– Customer list and details
– Compensation data
– Financial information
– Marketing strategies
– Pending projects and proposals
– Tendering information
– Proprietary production process
– Personnel/Payroll records and
– Conversations between any persons associated with the Company

All employees are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement as a conditionof their employment. Employees who improperly use or disclose trade secrets or confidential business information will be subject to disciplinary action,including termination of employment and legal action, even if they do not
actually benefit from the disclosed information.

Orientation at Unicorn Power is a formal welcoming process designed to make the new employees feel comfortable, be informed about the Company and
prepare for their position. New employee orientation is conducted by a Human Resources representative and includes an overview of the company
history, an explanation of the company core values, vision and mission and company goals and objectives. In addition, the new employee will be given an
overview of benefits, tax, and legal issues, and will be asked to complete any necessary paper work. Employees are presented with all codes, keys and
procedures needed to navigate within the workplace. The new employees’supervisor then introduces the new employees to their colleagues, reviews
their job description and scope of position, explains the company’s evaluationprocedures and helps the new employees get started on specific functions.

The probationary period for new employees lasts up to six months from the date of appointment. The probationary period is intended to give new
employees the opportunity to demonstrate their ability to achieve a satisfactory level of performance and to determine whether the new position
meets their expectations. Unicorn Power uses this period to evaluate employees’ capability, work habits and overall performance. If the designated
probationary period does not allow sufficient time to thoroughly evaluate the employee’s performance, the probationary period may be extended for a
specified period. Upon satisfactory completion of the probationary period, an employee will become a regular employee. All employees, regardless of
classification, status, or length of service, are expected to meet and maintain company standards for job performance and behaviour.

Unicorn Power makes every effort to create and maintain accurate jobdescriptions for all positions within the organization. Each description
includes a job information section, a job summary section giving a generaloverview of the job’s purpose, essential duties and responsibilities section, a
supervisory responsibilities section, a qualification section including education and or experience, language skill, reasoning ability and any
certification required, a physical demand section and a work environment section.HR Department prepares job descriptions when new positions are
created. Existing job descriptions are also reviewed and revised in order to ensure that they are up to date. Job descriptions may also be rewritten
periodically to reflect any changes in the position’s duties and responsibilities. All employees will be expected to help ensure that their job descriptions are
accurate and current, reflecting the work being done. Employees should remember that job descriptions do not necessarily cover every task or duty
that might be assigned, and that additional responsibilities may be assigned as necessary

Every employee is liable to be transferred anywhere in India and/or from one department to another located in the same place or elsewhere. The
management may depute any employee for outstation duty in connection with the work or business of the Company.

When an employee is relieved of his duty due to transfer, he/she shouldsurrender all the company’s assets and clear all cash transaction s, if any, and obtain a No-Due letter from the Department Head.

Normal working hours Monday through Saturday is from 09.00 AM to 5.30 PM.The lunch time is 1.00 PM to 1.30 PM. Management reserves the right to
make any changes in the working hours and to ask the employee to do work after the normal hours work in exigencies.

HR department will issue Photo Identity Cards to all employees of the company indicating Badge Number and such other details as may be prescribed by the Management for the purpose of identification and every body has to wear thesame during duty time without causing loss or damage to the ID Card. The Card so issued shall be the property of the Company and shall be surrenderedon leaving the services of the Company. The concerned employee has to take necessary care and precaution against misuse of the Card under any circumstances. In case of loss of the same the matter has to be reported to
HR Department immediately and get a new one.In the event of suspension/termination of an employee or change of designation of the employee, he/she should surrender the ID card to the HR Department for disposal or for re-issue of the new ID card respectively

Uniform is compulsary on monday & saturday. Uniform will be provided by the Company under certain regulations.

Employee personnel file / services records include the following:-

• Job application
• Job description
• Resume
• Copies of educational certificates
• Copies experience certificates with relieving order
• Records of participation in training programmes
• Salary history
• Records of disciplinary action
• Documents relating to employee performance review, appraisals, etc.
• Police clearance certificate 

Important events in the history of an employee with the Company will b recorded and kept in the employee personal file. The employee will receive acopy of any record initiated by the Company.Personnel files are the property of the Company and are maintained by the HRdepartment, access to the information is restricted. Management personnel of the Company who have a legitimate reason to review the file are allowed to doso with the permission from Top Management / Managing Director.

It is the responsibility of each employee to promptly notify their supervisor and/
or Human Resources representative of any changes in personnel data such as:-

• Mailing address
• Telephone numbers
• Name and number of dependents, and
• Individuals to be contacted in the event of an emergency.

An employee’s personal data should be accurate and current at all times

Department Heads / Supervisors will conduct performance reviews and appraisals of the employees. New employees will be reviewed at the end of
their probationary period. After the initial review, the employees will be reviewed according to the regular annual schedule. Supervisors may conduct
informal performance reviews and planning sessions more often if they choose. Performance reviews and appraisals are designed for the Supervisor and theemployee to discuss his/her current job tasks, encourage and recogniz abilities and attributes, and discuss positive, purposeful approaches for
meeting work-related goals. Together, employee and his/her supervisor discuss ways in which the employee can accomplish goals or learn new skills.
The planning sessions are designed for the employee and his/her supervisorto make and agree on new goals, skills, and areas for improvement.The Performance Appraisal is a vehicle for the Supervisor to discuss the general performance of the employees. It will cover the strengths as well as ways in
which an employee may be able to improve. It is also an opportunity for the employee to discuss his/her job concerns and career development goals.The
Company directly links wage and salary hikes with performance. Employee’s performance review and appraisals will have direct effect on any changes in
employee’s compensation. For this reason, among others, it is important to prepare for these reviews carefully and participate in them fully

Unicorn Power binds each of its employees to certain work rules and standardsof conduct. When an employee deviates from these rules and standards,  the Company expects the employee’s Supervisor/Manager to take corrective action. The usual sequence of corrective actions includes an oral warning, a written warning, probation and finally termination of employment. In deciding which initial corrective action would be appropriate, a Supervisor will consider the seriousness of the infraction, the circumstances surrounding the matter, and the employee’s previous record. Though committed to a progressive approach to corrective action, Unicorn Power considers certain rule infractions and violations of standards as grounds for immediate termination of employment. These include but are not limited to theft in any form, insubordinate behaviour, vandalism or destruction of company property, the use of company equipment and/or company vehicles without prior authorization by employee at all levels, untruthfulness about personal work history, skills, or training, divulging company business practices and misrepresentations of Unicorn Power to a customer, a prospective customer, the general public or an employee. 

Termination of employment is an inevitable part of personnel activity within any organization, and many of the reasons for termination are routine. Below
are a few examples of some of the most common circumstances under which employment is terminated:

– Resignation — voluntary employment termination initiated by an employee
– Termination — involuntary employment termination initiated by the Company.
– Lay off — involuntary employment termination initiated by the Company for non- disciplinary reasons.
– Retirement — voluntary employment termination initiated by the employee meeting age, length of service and any other criteria for the retirement from the organization. An employee who terminates employment (voluntary / involuntarily) with the Company shall return all files, records, codes, keys, identity cards, laptops, tools and/or any other materials that are the property of the Company. No final settlement of an employee’s pay will be made until all items are returned in appropriate condition. Further more, any outstanding financial obligations owed to the Company will also be deducted from the employee’s final cheque.
– Resigned employees who have served notice period & properly completed employee exit formalities will be eligible for experience certificate after one month from date of exit.
– Resigned employees should not share or disclose Company’s data to any individual or similar organization at any time & thereby company will not be extending any further support if such cases are found

The Company provides information to employees about workplace safety and
health issues through regular internal memo/communication such as:

• Training sessions
• Team meetings
• Bulletin board postings
• Memorandums
• Other written communications.

Each employee is expected to obey safety rules and exercise caution and
common sense in all work activities. Employees must immediately report any
unsafe conditions to their supervisor. Employees who violate safety standards,
cause hazardous or dangerous situations, or fail to report, or where
appropriate, remedy such situations may be subject to disciplinary action
including termination of employment. In the case of accident that results in
injury, regardless of how insignificant the injury may appear, employees should
notify their supervisor without fail.

Employees, who become aware of any health-related issue, including pregnancy, should notify their supervisor and/or Human Resources Representative of his/her health status. This policy has been instituted strictly to protect the employee’s interest.

The Company provides laptops / other accessories, etc, to deserving employees to carry out the Company’s business effectively and efficiently. They are
strictly not for personal use. The safety and security of such assets are the responsibility of the employee and the Company assumes no risk for any loss
or damage to the said assets. They are the Company’s assets and as such the employee needs to surrender them back to the Company at the time of
suspension/resignation/termination of the employee in a proper state. The Company also reserves the right to claim the said assets back from the
employee as and when it deems necessary

Only authorized persons may purchase supplies in the name of the Company. No employee whose regular duties do not include purchasing shall incur any
expense on behalf of the Company or bind the Company by any promise or representation without written approval of the competent authorities.

To provide for the safety and security of employees, visitors and the facilities at the Company, only authorized visitors are allowed in side the workplace.
Restricting unauthorized visitors helps ensure security, protects confidential information, safeguards employee welfare and avoids potential distractions and disturbances. All visitors must enter through the main reception area, sign-in and sign-out at the front desk and receive a ‘Visitor Pass’ to wear while on premises. Authorized visitors will be escorted to their destination and they must be accompanied by their host employee at all times.

Unicorn Power employs only Indian citizens and those foreigners authorized to work in India in compliance with Indian Immigration Rules.


The work rules and standards of conduct for the Company are important, and the Company regards them seriously. All employees are urged to become familiar with these rules and standards. In addition, employees are expected to follow the rules and standards faithfully in carrying out their duties and conducting the Company’s business. Please note that any employee who deviates from these rules and standards will be subjected to corrective actions including termination of employment. In arriving at a proper course of action,  the seriousness of the infraction, past performance of the employee and circumstances surrounding the matter will be considered. While not intended to list all forms of behaviour that are considered unacceptable in the workplace, the following are examples of rule infractions or misconduct that may result in disciplinary action including termination of employment.

– Theft, fraud, embezzlement, industrial espionage
– Falsifying Company records including application for employment
– Working under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
– Possession, distribution, sale, transfer, or use of alcohol or illegal drugs in the workplace.
– Fighting or threatening violence in the workplace
– Boisterous or disruptive activity in the workplace
– Negligence or improper conduct leading to damage of company-owned or customer-owned property
– Insubordination or other disrespectful conduct
– Disrupting relationships of fellow employees or employee- employer ‘swith misleading info .
– Violation of safety or health rules
– Smoking in the workplace
– Verbal, visual or physical conduct constituting sexual harassment
– Excessive absenteeism or tardiness
– Using company equipment, material, time or information for unauthorized purposes or personal use
– Abusing, destroying or wasting company property or equipment
– Carrying concealed weapons or explosives or violating criminal laws on company premises.
– Unauthorized disclosure of business ‘secrets’ or confidential information
– Violation of personnel policies and
– Performance that does not meet the requirements of the position.

No employee shall, during the tenure, of his/her service except without the written permission of the Competent Authority, apply for or enter the service or
employment of any other person or himself carry on any other business for gain or engage himself in any other activity which in the opinion of the
Management is likely to interfere with the efficient discharge of his / her duties.

The Company expects that every employee will be regular and punctual in attendance. Every employee shall be at the workplace at the time fixed and
mark his/her attendance in the Register provided for the same. In order to check and control the situation a Lateness Register is maintained. Those who are late in attending for duty beyond ten minutes have to obtain permission from his/her superior officer and mark the time of arrival in the Lateness Register. Three late marks in a month will be treated as half day leave on loss of pay. Duration of late coming is compensated by devoting extra hours of work on same day at office.

Any employee after marking his attendance leaves his place of work during his duty hours without permission or without sufficient convincing reason shall be liable to be treated as unauthorized absent for such period and liable for appropriate deduction in wages employee may be required to leave the office in connection with field duty or otherwise. A Movement Register is maintained for noting the time of movements of all employees from the office to outstation. All employees are required to note their movements in the Movement Register kept in the Reception before they go out of the office during duty time.

When an employee is unable to work owing to illness or an accident, he/she may notify his/her Supervisor. This will allow the Company to arrange for temporary coverage of his duties and helps other employees to continue work in his absence. If an employ does not report for work and the Company is not notified of his/her status, it will be assumed after three consecutive days ofabsence that the employee has resigned, and he will be removed from the payroll

The use of tobacco products is not permitted anywhere on the Company’s premises except in authorized and designated locations. Employees must
follow all rules posted in designated smoking areas.


Unicorn Power strives to maintain rates of pay that are comparable or superior to those of other companies in industries with similar kind of work. Company’s wage and salary plan classifies each position on the basis of :-

– Knowledge and ability requirements
– Variety and scope of responsibilities
– Physical and mental demands

Established wage or salary ranges are reviewed as and when required and adjusted as necessary. The wage/salaries payable to an employee can be ascertained from the HR Department.

All employees are paid monthly. Pay day is 10th of the month. If the 10th falls on a holiday or Sunday, employee will be paid on the following working day

Employees coming under all categories must be 18 years of age or older.


Unicorn Power is covered under the provisions of EPF & Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952. Accordingly all permanent employees of the company
will become members of the Scheme and they have to pay contribution to the Provident Fund @ 12% of their monthly wages and an equal contribution
will be paid by the Company to the Fund. Both the amounts will be credited to the Employees’ PF Account and the amount in the credit will attract
interest as per government norms. The employees will get the outstanding amount with interest at the time of retirement/resignation from the
employment. There are also provisions to withdraw amounts from PF in certain circumstances. The employees will also become members of the
Employees’ Pension Scheme, 1995. The employee is requested to contact the HR Department for further details/clarifications if any required in this

Our company is covered under the provisions of Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1976. ESI Act envisages social protection of workers deployed in the
organization in conceivable contingencies, such as sickness, maternity and death or disablement, etc due to employment injuries. All permanent
employees of the company who draws total monthly wages up to Rs.21000/- will become members of the Scheme. Here the monthly contribution to ESI
is @ 0.75% of monthly wages from Employee and @ 3.25% by the Employer. Medical benefits are extended to employee’s family members also. The
employee is requested to contact the HR Department for further details / clarifications if any required in this connection.

Employees who are not covered under the ESI scheme have been brought under the Medical Insurance Scheme ( Mediclaim ) of the United India
Insurance Company / other insurance Companies unless they are covered under other claims. Accordingly medical expenses incurred on account of  hospitalization due to sickness, disease or accident as well as death on accident / permanent/partial disability is covered under the above Mediclaim

This Policy pays all charges incurred at the hospital relating to doctor’s fee, room charges, operation theatre charges, diagnostic cost, cost of medicines
and such other costs related to the treatment subject to an overall limit and subject to the rules and stipulations applicable to the Scheme. Since the
benefits under this scheme will be available only in hospitalization cases, the employees who are covered under the scheme should report to HO
immediately after hospitalization to prefer the claim as per rules. The employee is requested to contact the HR Department for further details /
clarifications if any required in this connection

The retirement age is 58 for Unicorn employees. The services might get continued based on contract if the employee is exemplary on mutually agreed
terms and conditions.

In addition to all Sunday, all second Saturdays are holidays. Further there shall be four paid National Holidays and nine festival holidays in a year. The list of
 holidays for each year will be published in the Notice Board as per the National and Festival Holiday Act and Rules there under.


The purpose and scope of this policy are extended to all employees of the company. The objective of this policy is to provide a leave structure and process for applying leaves.

– All employees who work on Sundays under specific terms and /or conditions and only when required to, are entitled to a weekly off on weekdays.
– Weekly off must be intimated in advance to the Department Head for approval followed by intimation to the HR Department for consideration, failing which such leave will strictly not be treated as weekly off.

– Every employee is eligible to avail one leave with full wages in a month.
– Casual leave shall be taken by fractions of I/2 day also at a time.
– If the available casual leave is not availed in a month the same will beaccumulated in the next month and this accumulated leaves can be availed during subsequent months
– But casual leave cannot be accumulated beyond 31′ December every year.
– Casual leave, however, will not be granted for more than three days at atime, in the normal cases.
– When holiday/s is/are preceded and followed by eligible leave, then the holiday’s is/are salary paid. But when holiday/s is/are preceded and followed by absent or leave on loss pay, the holiday/s is/are not salary paid.

Employees who are members of ESI Scheme shall be granted sick leave in accordance with the provisions of the ESI Act and payment of wages for the leave period will be paid by ESI Corporation. Employees who avail medical leave under the ESI scheme have to comply with the procedures of the scheme. In the case of employees who are not covered under the ESI Scheme and who are sick and unable to attend duty for more than three days shall be granted sick leave with wages on production of proper medical certificate from competent Medical Practitioner. Sick Leave will be granted at the discretion of the Management but at a maximum of 7 nos.

Confirmed employees other than those in the Managerial Cadre (Level 5 and above) who work on holidays under the instruction of the Head of Department
concerned will be eligible for compensatory off. Compensatory off can either be availed by the employee or accumulated till the end of the year and can be
encashed subsequently as in the case of casual leave.After three consecutive days of absence without notice to the company an employee will be presumed to have voluntarily quit and will be separated from the payroll. 

This will be in accordance with the respective rules/statutes

No employee will be allowed to absent himself/herself without leave, withoutprior information, prior permission, without intimation or without any cause.
Absenting from duty without sanctioned leave is misconduct and will be viewed very seriously.

Before availing leave every employee has to get prior approval / sanction of the leave from – competent authority. Leave application is to be submitted to the
immediate superior who will recommend the leave subject to exigency of work. The above leave rules are applicable to all employees of this company.
Employees, may, however, please note that the Management reserves the right either to accept or reject any application for Leave at any time without any
reason whatsoever.


The successful business operation and reputation of Unicorn Power is built upon the principles of fair dealing and ethical conduct of our employees. Our
reputation for the integrity and excellence requires careful observance of the spirit and letter of all applicable laws and regulations, as well as a scrupulous
regards for the highest standards of conduct and personal integrity.Compliance with this policy of code of conduct and workplace ethics is the responsibility of
every employee and associate members.

Employees are to follow cubicle manners like taking permission before entering anyone’s cubicle. Do not shout or pass instructions from one end to other end. Speak Softly.Do not interrupt while someone is on phone. Respect boundaries. Eavesdropping/not peep at the computers while other personnel are working. Don’t interact with the colleagues by leaning over the partitions or walls. Arrange documents neatly at proper places.

All files are to be arranged in the cabinets. The Index needs to be updated with the contents in the cupboards. All outdated files and papers in the cabinets /
cupboards shall be recycled. Confidential documents if any outdated shall be burnt off.

The end responsibility of systems (PCs or Laptops) lies with the end user like protection with password, the contents in the form of data, programs, mails etc. Hence the employee concerned shall be liable for any malfunctioning or unauthorized data in his/her respective PCs. No employees shall browse
through other’s systems/files or mails without the concerned employee’s consent. No communication not relevant to the workplace shall be sent
through email.

Employees who are not the entitled users for certain software / hardware packages are not supposed to use them. Do not use systems for purposes other than business purposes (ie. games/movies, etc). It’s the responsibility of the employees concerned to take the back up of Data on their Personal Computer on every Fridays/Saturdays. The backup date must be updated.

Computer, computer files, the e-mail system, software furnished to employees are Unicorn Power’s property intended for business use. Employees should not use a password, access a file, or retrieve any stored communication without authorization. To ensure compliance with this policy, computer and e-mail usage may be monitored. Unicorn Power strives to maintain a work place free of harassment and sensitive to the diversity of its employees.

Therefore, Unicorn Power prohibits the use of computers and the e-mail systems in the ways that are disruptive, offensives to others or harmful tomorale. For example the display of transmission of sexually explicit images, messages, and cartoons is not allowed. Other such misuse includes, but is notlimited to ethnic slurs, racial comments, off colour jokes, or anything that may be construed as harassment or sharing disrespect for others. o Personal e-mails are not permitted to use. E-mails may not be used to solicit others for commercial ventures, religious or political causes, outside organization, or other non- business matters.

– Personal e-mails are not permitted to use. E-mails may not be used to solicit others for commercial ventures, religious or political causes, outside organization, or other non- business matters.

Internet usage to global electronic information resources on the World Wide Web is provided by Unicorn Power to assist employees in obtaining workrelated data and technology. The following guidelines have been established to help ensure responsible and productive internet usages.

All internet data that is composed, transmitted, or received via our computer communications systems is considered to be part of the official records of Unicorn Power and as such, is subject to disclosure to law enforcement or other third parties. Consequently, employees should always ensure that the business information contained in internet, e-mail messages, and other transmission is accurate, appropriate, ethical and lawful.Internet users should take the necessary anti-virus precautions before downloading or copying any file from the internet. All downloaded files are to be checked for viruses, all compressed files are to be checked before and after decompression.The following behaviors are examples of previously stated or additional actions and activities that are prohibited and can result in disciplinary action.

– Sending or posting discriminatory, harassing, or threatening messages orimages.
– Using the organization’s time and resources for personal gain.
– Stealing, using, or disclosing someone else’s code or password withoutauthorization.
– Copying, pirating, or downloading software and electronic files withoutpermission
– Sending or posting confidential material, trade secrets or proprietaryinformation outside the organization.
– Violating copyright Law
– Failing to observe licensing agreement
– Engaging in unauthorized transaction that may incur a cost to the organization or initiate unwanted internet services and transmissions.
– Sending or posting messages or materials that could damage the organization’s image or reputation
– Participating in the viewing or exchange of pornography or obscene material
– Sending or posting messages that defame or slander other individuals.
– Attempting to break into the computer system of other organization orperson.
– Refusing to cooperate with a security investigation
– Using internet for political causes or activities.
– Jeopardizing the security of the organization’s electronic communication’ssystems
– Sending or posting messages that disparage another organization’s productsor services.
– Sending anonymous e-mail messages.
– Engaging in any other illegal activities

Do not leave loose papers on the table/leave the computer for easy accessibility. All papers/files are shall be neatly arranged in cabinets assigned before leaving the premises. Confidential or valuable information of the organization shallnot be shared or revealed to any other person / party.

Mobile phones must not be kept at a high tone with obnoxious tones or that which draws attention upon. They are to be switched off or put in vibration
mode during official meetings or important meetings with the customers and during training sessions. Incoming or outgoing calls (Mobile/ Land) for
personal purpose during working hours are to be kept at the very minimum.

Senior employees are to be addressed appropriately. Any other form of addressing that is awful will be subject to disciplinary action..

Conversations in the Front Office are to be kept at the minimum. Do not allow to crowd in the Front office or hold discussions. If conversation is supposed to
be lengthy, make use of the meeting room or in your own cubicle.

Usage of Toilets: Hygiene to be maintained. Employee can intimate the Front Office in case there is no water supply. The mess hall is to be kept clean. The concerned personnel have to clean their respective seat or table area after finishing off with lunch. Waste items are to be properly disposed in the waste bins. The sinks’ drainage is to be kept clean and unblocked. 

The properties belonging to the company are to be handled with care without causing any loss or damage. If any loss/damage is caused report the matter to the Administration Department. Water/electricity/paper must not be wasted. Stationery items are not to be misused and it is the responsibility of the employee concerned to whom it has been issued. Employee who leaves the office at the end of the business day should take the responsibility to ensure that all doors are securely closed; all electrical equipments/appliances and lights are turned off. Employees are responsible for loss, damage, malfunctioning and / or inappropriate use of the tools and equipments entrusted to them.

Employees, to whom Vehicles were allotted, have to maintain the vehicle properly and in good condition adhering to all traffic rules and regulations.
They have to keep with the vehicle all records such as Driving License; attested copy of the RC Book, Tax Receipt and Insurance Policy. The vehicles should
not be used for any illegal purpose. The vehicle should not be parted with anybody without the permission of the competent authority. In the case of any
accident, the matter should be reported immediately to Manager – Admin&HR.


We make every effort to provide safe working conditions for our employees. We observe the safety laws of the governmental bodies within whose jurisdiction we operate. Safety is every employee’s responsibility. Therefore, all employees are requested to do everything reasonable to keep the company a safe place to work.

If any injury occurs on the job, mo matter how slight, report it immediately to your supervisor or department head. Failure to report an injury could affect a subsequent Workmen’s Compensation claim.

First aid kits are located in strategic areas. These contain standard supplies of band-aids; burn ointment, antiseptic spray, adhesives tape, triangular
bandages, and dettol. Not all items are included in the kits, so be certain to check for medical supplies.

Fire is an ever-present hazard, especially where electrical equipment is concerned. Familiarize yourself with the fire extinguisher locations and the building exists. Every employee should know where these extinguishers are located and how to operate them effectively


Company is committed to providing a work environment that is free of discrimination and unlawful harassment. Actions, words, jokes, puns, or comments based on an individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, age, religion, or any other legally protected characteristic will not be tolerated. If you believe you have been the victim of harassment, or know of another employee who has, report it immediately. Employees can raise concerns and make reports without fear of reprisal to the Human Resources Representative. Any supervisor who becomes aware of possible harassment should promptly advise the Human Resources Representative who will handle the matter in a timely and confidential manner


Communications should have clarity, transparency and based on facts. Escalation levels are to be followed while communicating. Do not abuse anyone in the organization or thecustomers or vendors. The upward channel of communications must be as per the organizational hierarchy or to the end responsible person.

Our Company has formulated the Procedures for conducting Internal Training in our Organization. Training plays an important role in developing the
employees who, in turn make their organization better than the competitors, also provides maximum satisfaction to their customers through their services
and make the organization profitable through innovative approaches and practices. Suitable learning materials are also prepared for distribution among
the trainees. HOD selects the trainees based on their needs of the programme

Under normal conditions, if an employee has a job-related problem, question or complaint, he is to discuss it with his/her immediate superior officer. The simplest, quickest and most satisfactory solution often will be reached at this level. If the discussion with his/her supervisor does not answer his/her question or resolves the matter to his/her satisfaction within two or three days, he/she may then present his/her case to the Manager of your department or to the Head of HRD. At this point, if the matter is still not resolved satisfactorily, you may represent your case in writing to the Managing Director who will investigate it and make the final. Difficulties if any in using this complaint procedure should be brought to the attention of the Head of HRD.

We have good working environment with our employees and customers an our relationships are free of artificially created tensions that could be brought on by outside parties. Unicorn Power Solutions Private Ltd is built from the ground up by hardworking group who designed policies and programmes in a sincere effort to provide fair treatment for all.


The organization structure of the company, pay scale and allowances of its employees are hereby revised as under. The new pay scale is arrived at by merging the Variable Dearness Allowance with the basic salary. Hence hereafter there will not be any separate item as VDA. Likewise the item of Reimbursement of Daily Allowance is hereby discontinued and instead of that a new allowance by name Conveyance Allowance is introduced as part of the salary. 

Take pride in being a Unicornian & Contribute towards Team Unicorn

– Marriage Gift : Confirmed employees with three years’ service in the company will be gifted with an amount of Rs.10,000/- for their marriage or the marriage of their son/daughter. Other permanent employees will be gifted with an amount of Rs.25,000/- for their marriage. Confirmed employees are granted of 6 days special leave on the occasion of their own marriage. For doubts/clarifications if any employees are free to contact the undersigned at his official convenience

In supersession of all instructions/directions now in force the following rules on reimbursement of tour/travel expenses and halting allowances are hereby ordered to employees of the company who are required to travel on duty outstation with effect from 01-04-2011.

– Employees in Level-5 and above shall travel by train f class or 2″ class A/CChair car.
– Employees in Level-6 and above shall also travel by car between places not connected by train provid ed that the distance does not exceed 50 Kilometers.
– Employees in Level 4 and below shall travel by train 2’d class or by bus.
– For rail travel single fare to and fro for the employee will be reimbursed. For travel by public motor the actual fare will be reimbursed. 
– In exigencies employees may travel by Air with prior permission from their HODs.

With effect from 01-05-2024 an employee who is deputed for duty in Level set out in column 1 of the table below shall be entitled to daily allowance at the
corresponding rate set in column 4 and 5 respectively.

Daily Allowance

– Effective from 01/04/2011 an employee who is deputed from one station oHead Quarters to another place on the company’s work is paid halting
allowance per diem as given below for the period he is away from his station orHead Quarters. The rates applicable will be on the basis of places of halt.Employees are not eligible for lodging charges where the company provideslodging facilities.                                                                                                          – Lodging shall be paid to an employee according to their Level, only at actualon production of relevant bills, subject to a maximum of the charges specified
in the table attached herewith.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  – Employees on outstation duty who arrange their own accommodation are entitled to an amount equal to half of the allowance admissible to them in such circumstances. The employees have to mention in the TA Bill the address of their stay.

– Employees who use their own two wheelers-for their official journey outside Head Quarter Limit not exceeding a limit of 35 Kilometers with the permission
of their superiors is entitled to claim fuel charges @ Rs.4/- per kilometer.
– Managerial staff who avail car allowance can use their car for travel outside HQ limit in exigencies with the permission of their superiors and in such cases they are entitled to claim fuel charges @ 7/- per kilometer  

– Employees are not entitled to any compensatory off or extra daily allowance for their duties which ends before 10.00 PM                                                             
– Employees in Level-4 and below who continue their duty after 10.00 PM and ends before 12.00 MN is entitled to half of the Night Allowance as per schedule given below.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
– Employees in Level-4 and below who continue their duty after 12.00 MN are entitled to Night Allowance and Compensatory Off.                                               
– While calculating the duty time, travelling time will not be considered. For doubts/clarifications if any employees are free to contact the undersigned at his official convenience

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